Welcome 2020 The Year Of Hopes & Blessings


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
The New Year is celebrated all over the world with great enthusiasm and fun. Earlier, it was a Roman calendar which was having only ten months and designated 1st march as the new year. In the Gregorian calendar, there are 12 months in every year and the new year falls on January 1st which is widely accepted and celebrated the festival. The new year is a perfect time to make a change for the better. The tradition of making new year’s resolutions is more common in the western hemisphere but also exists in the eastern hemisphere. This tradition involves a person making a commitment to change an unwanted habit or behaviour or setting a personal objective. Typical New Year’s resolutions might be to give up smoking, eat healthier food, do more exercise, become more organised or laugh more – but really, a New Year’s resolution can be almost anything. However, research suggests that many New Year’s resolutions fail. Being realistic about the objectives you set and not making too many New Year’s resolutions might help you to achieve success.
Social change means a change in the social structure and the functioning and behavior of people in society, a change in their mindset. It must be remembered that living in a chaotic crime-prone society cannot lead to better interests and culture. In such a society, it is not an easy task to stop being burnt out and publicly murdered. We want a well-planned and organized society. Ethics and characteristic values are the main strengths of society, which we have lost. Social life is a blessing to the individual; its fulfillment is achieved through social bonding. The social system should be such that the person’s dreams are not broken. But what can we see. Crime has increased so much in the society that no one can handle the question of security of the individual; on the other hand, society is slowly slipping into darkness. It is necessary to prevent social and family awareness. Family and society have to take this responsibility. The state has enough to do in this regard. In the hands of the barbarous heresy of a homogeneous society, the lives of many are at stake, and life is gone. Even the life of the baby is going to his own hands. Unable to prevent such suicidal tendencies, on the one hand, social order will collapse and family members on the other will be insecure. As well, it will bring terrible danger to the future. So it is advisable to be careful when we have time. Another picture of this deterioration has been the alarming rise in the murder of children in the present society. Our tender children are no longer safe in any way. For many reasons, their lives threat have increased. Sometimes they die in an accident or are cruel victims of kidnapping and murder, and sometimes they are drowned in water.
It is true that after the brutal killing of Bangabandhu, the inhuman leadership took over the responsibility of managing Bangladesh and sat down to create a history of the uprising. Sheikh Hasina, after the exile’s life, did not have the responsibility of correcting politics back home; the history of Bangladesh would have been different today. If one sits down to study the dynamic nature of the complex politics of Bangladesh and its study is started from the beginning of the year, it will be seen that Sheikh Hasina has to overcome a difficult path, whose destination was uncertain at the beginning. Even today, death has been rampant but he is steadfast. The Awami League Govt. has completed the trial of the assassination of Bangabandhu after the fight against the dictator, continued the trial of the war criminals, dragged Bangladesh to the highway of development. Anyone who will admit now that the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was not organized, this Bangladesh could not be formed today. So it is important to remember that it is our responsibility in the journey of today’s Bangladesh that is seeking to move everyone forward with the cultural trend of non-communal consciousness.
Individuals are part of society and society is made up of individuals. In this case the person has a responsibility towards the society and the society also has a responsibility towards the person. The duty of every person is to form a society, protect society, improve society and reform. On the other hand, the duty of social organizations is to protect the individual, to help the individual and improve to achieve universal welfare. A person’s social responsibility is a fundamental human quality. The highest social organization is the state. In a good state, it is possible for a person to live a good life. For this, every person has to perform state duties. The topic of state duty of a person is described in the book of mythology and political science. Feeling of responsibility and responsibility for the state is another basic human quality. Patriotism, internationalism, brotherhood, universal welfare, and responsibility are necessary things for the homeland.
The field of patriotism and freedom of practice is no longer the field of brotherhood and internationalization. One has to accept the other as the complement rather than the opposite. Even in these socio-political realities, the human qualities of the people in Bangladesh have not been completely eroded. Humans have a desire to become human. In many ways, that desire is expressed. Euro-US hegemony is not wanted by this desire. They used different tactics. In a word, the whole system of socio-political of Bangladesh is constantly dehumanizing and cruel to the people in subjection. This system is completely hostile to human being. This system severely suppresses and distorts the potential for the development of human qualities.
The growth of these dishonest people is making our poor people poorer, making people rich. We also know the solution – stop the bank robbery, stop smuggling money abroad, stop corruption. As Binayak Sen said, “The way the government is increasing its allocation to the social security sector every year, poverty will not be eradicated. At this time, he suggested increasing the rate of taxation in proportion to the GDP. “(Kaler Kantha, 25 April 26).
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman always used to say that smiles in the faces of poor and unhappy people of Bengal. In each of her speeches, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also pledged to work for the poorest of the poor. But the capitalism is a mere coincidence. It wants to destroy all humanity, everything green, our paddy fields, rivers, forests, air, water – everything. In the Prime Minister’s words, ‘Money making is a disease, and illness.’ When the rich are infected with this disease, they want to break the rules by breaking everything. Without a strong political commitment, the nature of this devastating disease can no longer save human nature. Our 2020 new year’s promise must be announced for eliminating inequality and New Year’s resolution must be mandated as per promise.

(Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed, writer, columnist & researcher)
