Weak construction of highways and public safety

MOST of the national highways and local roads are severely battered now by torrential recent rains, floods and from lack of regular maintenance. They are in a dilapidated condition – much to the worries of holidaymakers ahead of Eid-ul-Azha. The pothole worries not only linked to unrelenting jams resulting from lengthy delays in travel time but also about uncalled-for accidents.

We understand that maintaining roads, highways and flyovers of the country 100 percent pothole-free – especially during the monsoon season- is next to impossible. However the situation has worsened to such an extent that it has become intolerable. District roads and local communication network in flood affected areas at most places have been washed away and not motorable at many places and highly risky almost all over. These are terribly risky to safe travel but it appears that the government is least concerned about travellers’ safety. It is really a big problem but there is no easy solution except surrendering to the fate.


It is unacceptable that highways, built at an enormous cost with tax-payers’ money would become filled with potholes and to be easily washed away by floodwaters. The contractors entrusted to build roads and highways are openly responsible for the deplorable condition because they have used poor construction materials that quickly get melted away. What is more noticeable is the poor attention of the concerned Government Ministry and Department of Roads and Highways to carry out regular repair and maintenance, particularly their indifference is unpardonable when it come to keep the roads and highways motorable through rains and floods.

It is no use of asking corrupt ones to punish. Because corruption is politics. So we urge the government’s concerned departments to move quickly to repair the roads and highways where potholes are openly threatening safe journey. Moreover, highway police must be on watch at vulnerable places and critical turning points to ensure safety to passengers. One of the reasons potholes have surfaced and increased is because work undertaken for repair has not been completed. There are instances contractors take away bills in connivance with departmental officials leaving work incomplete. These are places where more accidents take place.
