We welcome Mamata’s offer to resolve Teesta water problem


The visiting Paschim Banga (West Bengal) Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said Bangladesh should not worry over the Teesta water sharing deal while talking at a function in a city hotel on Thursday adding that the issue will be resolved soon. We must say we are really thankful to her for the announcement for which the people of Bangladesh were waiting so long. Making the offer she said “Keep your faith in me. Don’t be worried over the issue. It will be resolved soon.” We appreciate the positive gesture of the West Bengal Chief Minister to resolving the Teesta water-sharing problem and hoped the bottlenecks would be removed as soon as possible. When she has made the promise why people of Bangladesh would have any doubt in it.
As we all know that Bangladesh is seriously suffering from shortage of water in Teesta River. It is almost drying with the entire northwestern region of Bangladesh turning into barren land for shortage of water in the riverbed. West Bengal is withdrawing the bulk of Teesta water on the upstream building irrigation dams and hydraulic projects. In fact, the Teesta water sharing agreement is hanging in balance since September 2011 while Indian Prime Minister Dr Monmohan Singh was scheduled to sign it in Dhaka. But it remained unfulfilled apparently from non-cooperation of the West Bengal Chief Minister for her reported difference of views with the Indian central government. Her assurance this time signals that she would open the way of signing the agreement soon.
Media report also quoted her as saying that the land boundary agreement between the two countries will be made effective after its approval in Indian parliament. She said it would be a milestone for people of both the countries when the land boundary agreement would be made effective. In fact, we know Ms Banerjee has already gave her nod to ratification of boundary agreement and swap of enclaves on two sides of the border which she was opposing earlier.
We believe, her gesture would play significant role in removing misunderstanding on both sides on some vital issues taking the relations to a new height. Particularly, it will bring her closer to the heart of the people of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a land of connectivity for India to its northeast. We hope West Bengal will play a similar role to help Bangladesh exports to reaching mainland Indian market in the West. She may also play a significant role to reduce BSF shooting at the border.
We are really pleased at her presence in Dhaka on the eve of Ekushey festival and her visit to Shaheed Minar. We speak the same language and share the same history and culture, however in a divided land. We hope her visit will significantly contribute towards improving the relations on both sides on the border.
