We welcome Iran nuclear deal


NEWS about the six world powers led by the USA and Iran have agreed to a framework agreement on Iran nuclear issue on Thursday has come as a relief to the international community. The breakthrough has put an end to the fear that Iran may use its nuclear capacity to make bombs and this in turn has reduced the spectre of an Israeli induced war on Iran in the region, which is already profoundly bleeding from long drawn wars in Iraq and Syria. US President Barack Obama has hailed the deal as a “historic understanding” to make the world safer. Secretary of States John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif have also welcomed it as a ‘win-win deal.’ We also welcome it as a big contribution to world peace. The deal made possible after year long negotiations and finally by the P+1 foreign ministers in non-stop negotiations with Iranian foreign minister over the past eight days in Lausanne in Switzerland ended after so many deadlines. They worked hard to make the world peace safe ignoring criminal provocations from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his US Jewish lobbies as they wanted the US administration to go on war with Iran on nuclear issue to save western allies in the region.  This is a historic deal, we must say curbed out by reducing divergent views and hostile outlook of parties to a common ground for peace. The leaders of the USA, France, Britain, Russia, China, Germany and Iran showed statesmanship in creating the new environment of trust over deep distrusts. The new deal showed what war can’t achieve, negotiations can achieve through peaceful means. Under the framework agreement; which will lead to signing a full-fledged agreement for 10 years by June, Iran will be allowed to carry out its nuclear research and development programmes for peaceful purpose. But it will have to limit the number of centrifuges by more than two-thirds and redesign a nuclear plant so that it cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium. In exchange, the USA and other world powers have agreed to withdraw sanctions against Iran in phases. The fact that the deal was celebrated in Iran throughout night showed the victory of Iranian diplomacy over Israel’s blackmailing of the global community. Even Iranian hardliners were not much unhappy. So also the US Congress has lent initial support to the deal although a part of it remains skeptical demanding further Congressional review. But the loudest condemnation has come from Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu as he sees Iran will make the bomb at the end to threaten the survival of Israel.We must say, any nuclear deal between the United States and Iran is certainly much more than reducing the possibility of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. Removal of doubts and suspicion for establishing relationship of sensible cooperation between the United States and Iran is more important for peace and cooperation with Muslims worldwide.It is understandable why Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu has gone half mad at the real prospect of the United States and Iran coming closer. It will not remain a secret about the vicious role Israel has been playing in creating dangerous misunderstanding in return for getting undue benefits from the United States. The government of Israel has built itself as a terrorist country against the Palestinians and yet it was getting all the support from America. We hope the American people will know that what is gain for Israel is loss for America.Now the question is how and when the West will act to remove Israel’s nuclear bombs to make the region safe.
