We want a violence free, peaceful polls

IN a statement issued on Thursday, the UN Human Rights experts expressed alarm about political violence, restrictions on freedom of expression and the rise of religious fundamentalism ahead of the 11th Parliamentary Election in Bangladesh. They said members and supporters of opposition parties have been arrested, killed and disappeared where supporters of the ruling party were allegedly involved in some of the incidents. Even one of the Election Commissioners has expressed doubt about the existence of level playing field in this election, according to the statement.
Media reports said the UN experts expressed concern as two main political parties have sought to appease or cooperate with fundamentalist groups. Besides, they voiced concerns at the use of surveillance, intimidation, and politically motivated prosecution of some key opposition members. “Urgent action is needed by Bangladeshi authorities during this turbulent time to ensure the safety of all people, and to create an enabling climate for a much-needed public debate,” they stated. Between December 9 and 12, at least 47 incidents of violence were reported in which eight people were killed and 560 hurt. Some of them were ruling party men who were killed in intra-party feuds in different parts of the country.
 UN experts also voiced their fears that the upcoming general elections in Bangladesh may trigger renewed violence against opposition figures and secularists. We do agree that, the concern voiced by UN officials is a timely alert. Already, the election campaign in Bangladesh has taken a violent turn. Newspaper reports said a spate of attacks on political offices, rallies for polls campaign, opposition leaders and activists, have been going on across the country. Amid opposition parties’ accusation about the Election Commission’s inaction about checking the violence, EC Secretary Helaluddin Ahmed on Thursday said the situation will be improved once the army is deployed on December 24.
Violence-free competitive, fair and credible national election should be a prioritised issue in the politics. And the Election Commission is the only authority which is solely responsible to ensure it. At first, the EC will have to prove its impartiality, if it wants to make the election an impartial one. We want a violence-free, peaceful election.
