Anniversary Editorial: We must not allow journalism to die and people to be helpless


The most powerful man, President Barack Obama of United States has said while addressing the journalists that they kept him humble and democracy functioning in the country.
Something most unusual has happened in free Bangladesh in the sense that the journalists have become party activists of one party or another. Nothing could be more unfortunate for journalism than not to be free and the government not humble in the service of the people.
The New Nation, the oldest English daily of Bangladesh, originally perceived by veteran journalist Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia as a weekly, celebrating its 37th anniversary today, with renewed commitment to journalism as a voice of the people for the cause of good governance.
On this occasion today we express our thanks and gratitude to our readers, patrons and well-wishers for their support to continue our efforts under various limitations.
We have been urging, encouraged by our strong belief that the painful experience of the autocratic rule under Pakistan must not be forgotten to make Bangladesh a country, safe for democracy and secure for human freedoms. The dark forces of Pakistan days not allowing democracy to succeed must be shunned in the true spirit of the Liberation War.
It has been the message of Manik Mia that espousing democratic slogans do not make a leader or a country democratic. We need democratic parties and democratic leadership respectful of democratic institutions. He had great faith in Awami League as a builder of democracy and guided it towards achieving that end.
It is possible that we are often misunderstood but we want to make it absolutely clear that we are not against any government or any party, but we are certainly forceful and earnest in helping the government or any political party to be for the people and their democratic rights. Nothing will erase the truth that thousands of our people died in the Liberation War for attaining democratic liberation for themselves. There cannot be many meanings to many people for the goal of the Liberation War written in blood.
We are naturally proud of the journalists working with us who are faithful to their professional independence and commitment to be on the side of the people and good governance.
We are tirelessly trying to be objective in publishing news and views despite the obstacles inherent in dying journalism and weakening democracy.
It is not desirable for the people to live in fear of the government or government agencies, because in a free country the government is to be the people’s government and the government functionaries are to serve public interests.
We also tried to make it clear that only in a democracy there is a structure for good governance for the good of the people. No such structure exists in an autocracy. Autocracy destroys itself in the absence of any structure of good governance. The power itself does not make anybody wiser or sober.
We have been insisting that the policy of divisiveness must be abandoned for avoiding extremism among our peace loving people. We have no terrorism, only extremism against extremism which must be ended politically.
We affirm our belief that where politics is dangerous nobody is safe. It has its own vicious ways to bring disaster and miseries. The glory of success is to be achieved together living in freedom and not under domination.
We suffered under arrogance of power long enough but in free Bangladesh we want to see our government humble in the service of the people.
We find the existing situation dangerously precarious for peace and order. Corruption and crime have made our people’s lives unbearable and unsafe. The government policy of police methods is helping violence to grow. We need a new awakening in the government and us for the desirable change in politics.
