We must have voting right to restore our dignity : Mainul


Speakers at an Iftar Mahfil on Monday said that combined efforts are to be generated to restore democracy and fundamental rights in the country, which the country lost after January 5 election. We cannot go on watching people’s sufferings from the safe distance, must mobilize the public opinion peacefully in order to get back our democratic rights, they said.
They also elaborated that a fresh election with the participation of all parties
under a neutral caretaker government is the demand of the time.
The Iftar Mahfil was held in a city restaurant organized by the Nagorik Oikya with its convener Mahmudur Rahman Manna in the chair.
Barrister Mainul Hosein as a guest speaker wished his best for Nagorik Oikya in their efforts to establish true democracy in the country as an alternative force.
He has expressed his deep frustration to find 16 crore people of a nation have lost their right to vote and do not have a government that can be called their elected government. Voterless government is a betrayal of our democratic struggle and the liberation war, Barrister Mainul added.
The government should hold an election to save themselves from the shame of not being a people’s government. According to his view, ‘we must fight for our voting right to restore our dignity as a free people’.
Barrister Mainul has regretfully pointed out that the party that was built by so many great democratic leaders is now not ready to face people.
Mr. Mahmudur Rahman Manna in his presidential address expressed the determination to organize a movement to force the government to hold election and restore democracy.
He has made his view clear that a new platform is essential for true democracy for Bangladesh. Manna has also mentioned that the present government is weak and that is why they are not ready to tolerate independence of the judiciary. He warned that an un-elected government must not commit too many excesses.
Manabzamin Editor Matiur Rahman Chowdhury, New Age Editor Nurul Kabir, former Editor of The New Nation Mostafa Kamal Majumder, Head of News of NTV Khairul Anwar Mukul, Adviser of Nagorik Oikya SM Akram, senior journalists Salauddin Wahed Protim and Motinuzzaman Mitu addressed the mahfil, among others.
