We mourn the sad loss of Brazilian football team

THE plane crash killing a whole football team of a major Brazilian club hits other football clubs and fans across the world while millions of people all over joined them to mourn their death. We are also tremendously shocked by the loss of so many valuable lives, which can’t be overcome so soon to fill up their vacuum. It is invariably a great loss the football world will mourn over the years. Brazilian football team is the most decorated team, which makes World Cup Soccer highly colourful every time with fans down to every home in every village bating for its victory. We are afraid some of their best players may have been hit by the tragedy, although we don’t know the details about it. There are six miraculous survivors including few players but the memory of the big loss will never fade away.

The plane crash took away 71 lives including 19 members of the Chapecoense club who had been closer to be football great of the region. The chartered plane crashed in a mountainous area in the outskirts of Medellín town in Colombia on Monday. The Civil Aviation made the disclosure that the plane was given priority to land as it reported trouble but the air traffic controllers lost contact immediately.

The Brazilian football team was travelling from Bolivia to play the final of the Copa Sudamericana tournament. The news hit the entire Latin America with gloom and people were in tears in their offices and streets. Meanwhile, Brazil has begun three days of official mourning while one-minute silences have been observed at all football grounds all over the world.


It is sad that the disaster has virtually wiped out a great Brazilian football team sending shock waves in the region and beyond. Brazil takes pride in its football teams and puts everything behind when it comes to promote the game but it lost potential players this moment. Football legends Pele and Maradona as well as present superstars Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have already paid tributes to the perished players. It appears that the plane crash resulted from shortage of fuel. Some others blamed electrical problem but what is to be noted is that human neglect for proper maintenance ended in the big tragedy. The plane’s black box recorders will ascertain the clear cause but the catastrophe can’t be reversed.

We must say frequent plane crashes in recent years are adding growing concerns to air passengers and the cause are mainly human neglect in proper maintenance. Some major plane crash in recent years was critically shocking with big human losses but it appears that the industry has failed to plug the loopholes. The world has to mourn such loss once again.
