We mourn the loss of a great statesman

WORLD leaders mourned the death of former Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl who was the longest serving leader of post war Germany from 1982 to 1998 and widely regarded as the father of the German Unification and Founder of European Union. He was 87 and died on June 16. We joined the German people and global society to mourn his death. The 28 nation European single market, single currency Euro and opening of border between states was largely possible for his outstanding leadership. He was able to create the trust among the highly skeptical and divisible leaders of European nations to agree to the merger.
Many European leaders initially had feared that with the unification of the European Union, the return of a powerful united Germany would capture the scene when the scars of the two World Wars were still not far away. But Kohl was able to brash aside their fear.
World leaders attending the funeral service at European Parliament in Strasburg and pouring condolence messages have rightly said Kohl was “the greatest European leader of the second half of the 20th century” and he will be remembered perhaps like no other European leaders for contribution to return Europe from cold war to peace and shared prosperity.
The fall of Berlin Wall in November 1989 came as a turning point to unite the two Germany at first and then lead the process of creation of united European Union. German Chancellor Angela Markel said he would know the supreme art of statesmanship to the service of people and peace. He came with the right leadership when Eastern Europe wanted to break the shackle of communism and brace democracy. President of EU Joachem Junker said he was one of the greatest leaders in post war Europe. Bill Clinton said he made possible the reunification of a strong prosperous Germany and European Union.
Many had believed Kohl was a mediocre leader of Christian Democratic Union (CDU) when Willy Brandt, who was West German Chancellor from 1969 to 74 from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) was on the spotlight of East-West politics. His Ost Politik seeking retrenchment with communist governments of Eastern Europe who were languishing under Soviet control in fact slowly opened the Eastern Europe to join the awakening. One after another Eastern European country came out of Soviet control. Kohl grabbed the moment when Berlin Wall collapsed and East Germany joined the German Federation as a unified nation.
The far sight and politics of trust building of the former German leader profoundly paid back humanity by bring under the fold of his trust leaders like President François Mittarand, British Prime Minister Margaret Teacher and Soviet leader Makhil Gorvachev. The world has many authoritarian leaders and warmongers now but Helmut Kohl will remain pathfinder to unity, peace and prosperity to nations for all time to come.
