We condemn attack on Dr Zafar Iqbal but emphasise impartial investigation

THE attack on Dr. Muhammed Zafar Iqbal — a science professor at Sylhet Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) and a secular thinker cum writer comes as a fresh reminder to such stabbing and killings nearly two years back. Its recurrence once again conveys multifarious messages. We condemn the attack and heaved the sigh of relief that he is now out of danger.

What makes us terribly upset is how such a daring attempt was made by a young man at the closing of a function in the campus, as his personal police escort was looking the other way.

They have been deployed full time to give him protection following many life threats from fundamentalist groups for his critical view on religion. At the same time question should berate about the limitations of police protection? Nobody should feel too secure about police protection.


Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader left no time to blame opposition BNP for the attack without waiting for police report. Some people are of the view that some support of pro-Awami League cannot be ruled out.

It needs impartial investigation. But politically influencing police investigation will be no help to meet the rise of violent crimes. The government is too keen to blame the opposition without trying to understand that bad management of law and order by the government is responsible for daring crimes all over the country.

The police should avoid political bias while investigating serious crime. The truth is people have grave doubts about police investigation and finding the culprits for dealing with a dangerous situation growing in the country.
Blaming the police will not work when the government is busy with how to remain in power without good governance.
