We cannot repatriate Rohingyas without UN supervision

NO Rohingya refugees were repatriated till Thursday noon as none of them showed “willingness” to return to Myanmar. In a fresh attempt, 3,450 Rohingya people were scheduled to be repatriated to Myanmar. Before any repatriation takes place, refugees are taken to transit camps and kept there for two to three days, but as of Thursday, no Rohingya was taken to any of the two transit camps — one at Keruntoli in Teknaf and the other in Ghundhum border area in Naikkhongchhari of Bandarban.
In early August, Bangladesh provided the approved list to the UNHCR in Dhaka and sought its assistance in assessing their willingness to return to Myanmar. Accordingly, UNHCR and RRRC officials conducted an “intention survey” on those listed, although it could not be ascertained how many took part in it.
While China and India have both expressed their willingness to help Bangladesh so far it has not resulted in any concrete on the ground improvement for us. The Rohingyas remain as before, creating huge environmental and other hazards in the areas of their abode. Meanwhile the US and the EU have imposed targeted sanctions against some top Myanmar leaders but that has been the extent of their reprimands against Myanmar.
Bangladesh needs to focus on the UN, and specifically the UN Security Council (UNSC) Permanent Members like China and Russia which routinely block any attempt to sanction Myanmar in the UNSC. These countries must be brought on board if we are to get Myanmar to behave properly with us.
Accepting only 3450 out of 22000 plus is nothing but a joke — it’s less than 14 percent of the totals which have been sent by Bangladesh. Why we haven’t sent the entire one million plus list by now is not known, but it must be considered if we want to really find out how many of the refugees Myanmar really wants to take. If they accept at this rate — only 140,000 or so people will be able to go back.
We did not welcome the Rohingyas to be sent back to be butchered. Without UN supervision and assurance of security of Rohingyas we cannot send them back. Myanmar government does not give any importance to our demands. India and China promised help but we do not see an assurance of safety from them for the Rohingyas.