POEM: We are victims of genocide

Mahmuda Begum Sinthia :
We are being burnt
by brutal flame.
Our ashes are being imprisoned too
under the ferocious giant,
which they cannot hide.
We are victims of genocide.

No citizenship, no birthright, no freedom, no shade
exist for us after so many centuries!
Helpful hands are being stopped and attacked
and thus cannot save us.
We are victims of genocide.

Our tortured budding children are still alienated
from the view of the world of conscience.
Horror, barbarism are out of imagination and sense.
Womanhood is being stigmatized
by the cruel beasts of human appearance.
We are victims of genocide.


Alas! the luminous sky
is now pale for the tragic cry
of the supportless children, women and old men.
We are deprived of civil life
for our existence.
We are victims of genocide.

We are in crying need
of the response of all organizations
for saving us
from complete annihilation
by ethnic cleansing.
We are victims of genocide.

Let our lives be unworried
and freed.
The breath of comfort will
 Remain for ever.
And the next corners will live
 free and fair.
