WB Support Mission presents draft Aide Memoire at UGC

Campus Report :
Members of the 16th World Bank Support Mission presented the draft Aide Memoire at the pre-wrap up meeting at UGC auditorium on Wednesday. Prof Abdul Mannan, Chairman, UGC presided over the meeting while Dr Md. Mokhlesur Rahman, Senior Operations Officer, World Bank presented the Aide Memoire on behalf of World Bank Support Mission. World Bank (WB) Mission expressed satisfaction over the progress of the Hgiher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP). Progress of the activities of HEQEP and action plan for the next six months were also discussed in the meeting.
UGC Chairman welcomed the delegation at the meeting and thanked all concerned with HEQEP for contributing to the achievement. He also urged them to discharge their duties with sincerity and dedication.
The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and relevance of the teaching and research environment in higher education institutions through encouraging both innovation and accountability within universities and by enhancing the technical and institutional capacity of the higher education sector.
Prof Dr Mohammad Yousuf Ali Mollah, Member, UGC, Prof Dr Dil Afroza Begum, Member, UGC, Dr Gauranga Chandra Mohanta, ndc, Project Director (Additional Director), HEQEP, Shiro Nakata, Senior Education Eckonomist and officials and consultants of different units of HEQEP were present.