Where is the source of growth: WB asks casting doubt on BD’s GDP projection


The World Bank has expressed doubt about the government’s economic growth projection of 7.65 percent for the current fiscal year.
“Remittance inflows have recovered somewhat. But, it remains lower than expected,” said WB lead economist in Dhaka, Zahid Hussain, asking “So, where is the source of growth?”
In sharp contrast to the government’s growth estimate, Zahid said, “Private investment did not pick up the pace of what is required to attain the government’s projection.”
Presenting Bangladesh Development Update report on Monday, he said the BBS data shows the manufacturing sector grew 13.2% in last fiscal year over the previous fiscal, but only two lakh employments were generated, and private investment remained stagnant during the period.
“How does manufacturing industry expand so fast? This is the question.”
The Washington-based lender slightly raised its forecast for Bangladesh’s economic growth in the fiscal 2017-18 to 6.5 to 6.6 percent from 6.4 percent it projected in January, according to the latest report.
The WB’s report comes a week after state-owned statistical agency BBS published data on the sector-wise contribution to the GDP in fiscal 2017-18.
The data said the domestic demand grew 7.65 percent on the back of manufacturing and construction sectors.
Higher domestic demand is the driving force of manufacturing growth, but we do not see any spike in domestic demand as growth in the employment, labour income or remittances remained subdued, said Zahid Hussain.
