WB approves $120m to improve food security


Business Desk :
The World Bank has approved 120 million US dollars to help Bangladesh improve food security by enhancing climate resilience and productivity of irrigated agriculture and fisheries.
The Climate-Smart Agriculture and Water Management Project will rehabilitate and modernise public Flood Control, Drainage, and Irrigation (FCDI) infrastructures, said a WB media release.
This will help improve irrigation and drainage service over 115,000 hectares where flood damage to crops will be reduced by 60 per cent.
The project will also help increase the incomes of 170,000 poor people who are vulnerable to climate change. Half of the beneficiaries will be women.
“In Bangladesh, more than 70 per cent of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood but their exposure to climate change and natural disasters makes them vulnerable,” said Mercy Tembon, World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan.
“Climate-resilient water management provided in this project combined with increased agricultural productivity will ensure income growth, protect livelihoods and build resilience of the local communities to climate change.”
The project has identified 19 FCI schemes in poor and climate change vulnerable areas for rehabilitation. It will also provide training to farmers on climate-smart technologies, experimentation with new crops, and post-harvest management.
The project will also support the promotion of coastal aquaculture, including the integration of rice and fish/shrimp farming; setting up of cold storage facilities; and, improvements of local markets. This will improve the productivity of fisheries by almost 40 percent and rice by 7.5 per cent, it said.
