Waterlogging damages betel-leaves on 45 hects in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Betel-leaves on 45 hectares of lands were damaged in Bagerhat district due to waterlogging created with weeks-long heavy downpour incurring huge loss to betel-leave growers of Bagerhat district, according to a non-official assessment.
A large number of betel-leave growers of Jatrapur, Baraipara, Saitgumbaz, Bisnupur, Karapara, Rakhalgachi etc. Unpin Parishads of Bagerhat Sadar Upazila were inundated with rain water. Besides, betel-leave gardens of Kachua, Fakirhat, Chitalmari etc. Upazilas of the district were also inundated with rain water and most of the betel-leave plants in the garden were already damaged.
It may be mentioned here that betel-leaf is one of the cash crops of the district and a large number people the district solely depend on betel-leave cultivation. Not only that but also the betel-leaves of the district are imported to foreign countries
Ayub Ali, a betel-leave cultivator of Jatrapur Union Parishad under Bagerhat Sadar Upazila disclosed to this correspondent, all the betel-leave gardens in my area were inundated with heavy downpour and due to water logging most of the betel-leave plants of the gardens of the were damaged. He added, if the water logged in the betel-leave gardens is not receded immediately the rest betel-leave plants (in the betel-leave gardens) of the area will be completely damaged and at that time the sufferings of the growers will know no bounds.
Kabir Shaikh, a betel-leave grower of Saitgumbaz Union under Bagerhat Sadar Upazola told this correspond, in the year of 2014 at the time of the holy Ramadhan all the betel-leave plants in my (betel-leave) gardens were completely damaged due to water logging created following the incessant and torrential rains. In the current year I borrowed money form NGO, purchased new plants (of betel-leaves) and planted them in my gardens and the production was satisfactory. So, I expected that I shall be able to make up my loss and refund the borrowed money with the sale proceeds of betel-leaves. But my all hopes and aspirations were shattered by heavy downpour continued for long 3 weeks. All the betel-leave plants of my gardens were damage once again.
Shaikh Bashirul Islam, Chairman of Karapara Union Parishad under the Sadar Upazila disclosed to the newsmen, there is a narrow sluice gate of Water Development Board in Ziptala canal under No. 35/3 polder in his union. But the rain water of 8/10 villages under the polder cannot be receded from this small and narrow sluice gate. Even at the time of high tide the water enters within the polder cannot be receded through the sluice gate. As a result, water logging is a regular feature within the embankment of the polder and consequently, betel-leaves and various vegetables cultivated in the polder are damaged every year.
The UP Chairman added, in the year 2011 the matter was brought to the notice of the Executive Engineer, Bagerhat Water Development Board through a written petition in which the sufferings of the people and the incapable and narrow sluice gate constructed over Ziptala canal under the polder No. 35/3 were stated. The UP Chairman disclosed in a disappointed voice. it is a matter of great regret that no step was so far taken by the concerned authorities to construct more sluice gates in the canal in order save the people of 8/10 villager under the polder (35/3) from the water logging.
Manojit Kumar Mallik, Deputy Director , Bagerhat Agriculture Department disclosed to the newsmen, due to the incessant and torrential rains during the period from July 7 to July 10 created water logging in the various places and in the betel-leave gardens on 45 hectares of lands in the district and their plants were badly affected. But he cannot tell about the amount of taka incurred by the betel-leave cultivators due to the water logging in their betel-leave gardens.
