WasteSafe Int’l confce ends


Campus Report :
The WasteSafe International Conference ended on Sunday with the adoption of 10-point recomendations including execution of zero tolerance policy in managing medical and e-waste. The conference also recommended implementing ‘polluters pay principal’ to ensure participation of all sections of the society in waste management.
The two-day conference also recommended practicing of 5R Policy (reduce, reuse, recovery, recycle, and remanufacturing) to ensure effective management of all types of wastes. The conference put emphasis on formulating a policy for waste management.
The recommendations were placed by UGC Member Professor Dr. Muhammed Alamgir at the concluding ceremony of a two days long 7th International conference on Integrated Solid Waste and Faecal Sludge Management in Developing Countries ‘Westsafe 2021’.
Westsafe 2021 was jointly organized using the virtual platform by the Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Bauhaus University Weimer of Germany, University of Padova, Italy, and International Waste Working Group (IIWG) with the aim to develop innovations through exchange of technical expertise and technological knowledge on waste management considering the environment and socio-economic perspectives of developing countries.
Prof. Dr. Muhammed Alamgir, Member, UGC, presided over the concluding ceremony of the conference. The concluding ceremony was addressed, among others, by Eckhard Kraft and Maria Christina Lavagnolo, Professors of the Bauhaus University Weimer, Germany; Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, Jadavpur University, Kolkata; Nawa Raj Khatiwada, Associate Professor, Kathmandu University, Nepal; Quazi Hamidul Bari, Professor of Civil Engineering, KUET; Professor Khandaker Mahbub Hasan; Dr. Md. Rafizul Islam, Professor, KUET and Dr. Md. Khalekuzzaman, Professor, KUET.
SM Tariqul Islam, Assistant Professor of the Institute of Disaster Management (IDM) at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), was the secretary of the conference.
