Wasif Ali Khan, Additional Managing Director of National Bank Limited inaugurating a new ATM booth under Q-cash network at its Sirajganj branch premise recently. Md Mahfuzur Rahman, Executive Vice President and Head of Card Division, Md Ali Haider Mortuza, Vice President and Head of Rajshahi Region and Ahmed Zulkernine Masud, Senior Asstt Vice President and Manager of Sirajganj branch were present among others at the inaugural programme.

Wasif Ali Khan, Additional Managing Director of National Bank Limited inaugurating a new ATM booth under Q-cash network at its Sirajganj branch premise recently. Md Mahfuzur Rahman, Executive Vice President and Head of Card Division, Md Ali Haider Mortuza
Wasif Ali Khan, Additional Managing Director of National Bank Limited inaugurating a new ATM booth under Q-cash network at its Sirajganj branch premise recently. Md Mahfuzur Rahman, Executive Vice President and Head of Card Division, Md Ali Haider Mortuza