Wasif Ali Khan, Acting Managing Director of National Bank Limited, inaugurating a 33-day long Special Remittance Campaign at the banks head office in the city on Tuesday. Zakaria Mahamud, Country Manager of Xpress Money Bangladesh, ASM Bulbul, Abdus Sobhan Khan, Shah Syed Abdul Bari, DMDs, Iftekhar Hossain Chowdhury, Head of International Division of the bank, Preethi Sunil, Director of Business Development (South Asia) and Arvind Mylar, Vice-President of the company were also present.

Wasif Ali Khan, Acting Managing Director of National Bank Limited, inaugurating a 33-day long Special Remittance Campaign at the banks head office in the city on Tuesday. Zakaria Mahamud, Country Manager of Xpress Money Bangladesh, ASM Bulbul, Abdus Sobha
Wasif Ali Khan, Acting Managing Director of National Bank Limited, inaugurating a 33-day long Special Remittance Campaign at the banks head office in the city on Tuesday. Zakaria Mahamud, Country Manager of Xpress Money Bangladesh, ASM Bulbul, Abdus Sobha