Commentary: War is easy but need is understanding and new strategy


Hillary Clinton, the White House hopeful in next year election has called for global unity to defeat Islamic State (IS) group in the wake of horrific terrorists attack in Paris killing and injuring as many people and terrorizing the entire nation and sending shock waves all over the world.
At a democratic presidential debate in the USA she has rightly called for a global coalition to crush the IS but clearly made the distinction saying it must be a war against the IS not against the Muslims. “We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with violent extremism” she said asking people not to take ordinary Muslims as a threat.
But Senator Bernie Sanders who is a party challenger for democratic nomination blamed Clinton’s US Senate vote authorizing the Iraq invasion for the regional chaos that followed. He said it was the worst US foreign policy blunders in the modern history of the United States.
The West’s disastrous invasion of Iraq killed and inhumanely tortured the Muslims in huge numbers. These pictures came out in the Western press and throughout the world. In the same fashion, Afghanistan was occupied and military power was used to cause deaths to thousands of men, women and children.
The war power of the West was demonstrated recklessly. It is the terrible war policy against innocent Muslims which is the cause of the rise of al-Qaeda and now ISIS. Killing of Palestinians as occupied people with the help of US support must not be forgotten.
So we say bombing to stop terrorism has proved wrong. War is easy for the Western countries but solution lies elsewhere, if the policy is not to show Islam as a threat to civilization and peace.  
Meanwhile head of European Commission Jean-Claude Junker has warned the leaders of the EU that rejecting refugees based on Paris attack will be playing into the hands of IS. They would create as many terrorists if Europe makes mistake. He said shooters were criminals, not asylum seekers.
His reaction came in the wake of some Eastern European leaders’ observation that the violence underlined the concern of the Europeans about taking in Muslim refugees.
President Barack Obama is so right in accusing President George W Bush for Iraq invasion, which has not only led to the destruction of President Saddam Hussein but also the rise of the Islamist terrorists in Iraq and Syria and creation of IS as it stands now putting a challenge to Western bombing powers.
Last month former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who was a cohort of President Bush to invade Iraq openly conceded that the decision was wrong and that he apologies for the mistake. But question arises how dead people could forgive him and the Western leaders who led the invasion killing several millions in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan while million others are desperately looking for shelter in neighboring countries and across Europe at the moment.
We have no sympathy for the IS and as such for those who have carried out Paris attacks on Friday last or in January this year. But the new development must be taken seriously to understand that attackers in France came from persons suspected to be French and Belgium nationals.
If the intention is not to play into the hands of Bush and Netanyahu to keep alive the fear of Islam, then bombing against bombing and killing innocent ones by both sides must stop. Instead of the policy of war, we believe, the West has to think of new strategy to be effective that should be executed along with the Muslims. All Muslim scholars say that there is no Islamic State in Islam and there is no room for killing innocent people.
