War crimes trial greatest success of govt: Minister

BSS, Dhaka :
Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said present government’s greatest success is holding the trial of the criminals those carried out crimes against humanity in 1971.
“The greatest success of our government, in my opinion, is bringing the war criminals who committed heinous crime against humanity during our liberation war to justice and the execution of the punishment given to the main perpetrators,” Muhith said this on Thursday in his budget speech at the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban.
“So far, a total of 53 cases were taken into cognizance for trial by the International War Crime Tribunal constituted for the purpose. Out of this, judgements were delivered in 31 cases while the rest are still under trial. Six out of seven death sentences were upheld by the Appellate Division have been executed. Besides, 25th March has been declared as ‘National Genocide Day’,” he added.
Referring last BNP-Jamaat four-party alliance government, which made war criminals like Matiur Rahman Nizami and Ali Ahsan Mohammad Muzahid ministers, Muhith said, “We were upset and the nation was disgraced when these notorious criminals became part of the state machinery and moved around hoisting flag in their official cars.
Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina did not bow down to any undue domestic or international pressure in the question of holding trial of war crimes.”
“Her extra-ordinary bold steps freed our nation from indelible stigma. This, to some extent, has lessened the incalculable debt that we owe to the martyrs and heroes of our liberation war,” he further said.
