Want of Playgrounds

All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy

Md. Muzibur Rahman :
Everyman in the world wants to have a sound health because “Health is Wealth”. If our health is not sound or well, we cannot do/perform our daily duties perfectly and develop further in our later life. A sick man can do nothing for himself, for society and for the nation. World is advancing towards development. Increasing population, increasing demand of basic necessities of human life, people are engaging in different job, works and business, in production process of factories or farm/industry.
In our digital, robotic or technological world, our people prefer machine work than manual labour. So, physical activities have lessened remarkably and people are becoming sick for not doing physical work. There is a saying, “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.” Human body is composited by two main ingredients i.e. one is physical and the other is human mind. So, a man is in sound health when two objects (physical and mind) are sound and fit. There is a proverb that “A sound mind in A sound body”.
Our mental exercise or brain exercise can be done though reading, relaxing stress, memory with visual images, words, sentences, acronyms, rhymes or by alliteration, jokes etc. Memory is like muscular strength. The more we work out our brain; the better will be able to process and remember our information and knowledge.
On the other hand, physical exercise is most important for a man or a labor force for his/her sound health or sound body. Regular exercise increases oxygen to our brain and reduces the risks for disorder that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Some study found that it might enhance the effects of helpful brain chemicals and protect brain cells. Regularly exercising the brain keeps it growing and spurs the development of new nerve connection that can help improve memory.
So, physical exercise and brain exercise (Mnemonic) both are helpful for keeping sound health and to memorize things better. Today many young or adult people become physically disabled or mentally sick for not taking of physical exercise. This kind of diseases is increasing alarmingly with the pace of development activities and urbanization in the society, in the nations. Many Psychologist, Psychological doctors or Neurologists suggest/prescribed them for taking regular physical exercise with medicine for remedy of such kind of diseases.
We know, by definition that physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to the rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound. Physical exercise is of various forms like walking, swimming, riding and racing, rowing, gymnastic, wrestling and playing many indoors and outdoors games. With the pace of civilization, industrialization and urbanization, the places for games or sports is declining. Many places for playground is acquired or possessed for industry, offices and business or for requiring of public or private interests. So, the place and scope for more games or sports has been declined alarmingly with the increasing of the population. We go/may go to hospitals after we fall sick or suffer from illness. If we can keep our body and mind safe and sound by regular exercise in open places or playground, we need not go to the hospitals for recovering our body by taking prescribed medicine which may have some side effects.
After all, “Prevention is better than Cure”. Feeling these necessities (for physical exercise) many educational institutions have a provision to appoint a game teacher/sports teacher in their institution to teach and conduct physical exercise for their students so that they (students) can follow and understand the necessities of physical exercise in their life. More playgrounds will help people to take physical exercise as well as for taking and making future players who will compete in national and international level. Skilled grass root players will rise up to the center for making themselves for national and international competitions. Continuous coaching and training will make them skilled, efficient and self-confidence to compete with others. It is the way of winning the game.
The joy of success is the honour of all, development of all, pride of all and known face to all. We are an independent nation. We want to go to the World Olympic Games to compete with other nations in the world. We want to be branded as “Bangladesh brand” in near future. We hope that Bangladeshi players will win World Olympic Gold Medal, Bronze or Silver or whatever they get in international competitions.
Consciousness has been growing and people are feeling the necessities of more sports fields/playgrounds in the cities and metropolises. Old playgrounds should be regained and revived for our own interests. Our policy makers, generous men/ richest men should come forward to materialise our dreams.
(Md. Muzibur Rahman, Freelancer; writes on development and economics issues, email: [email protected])