Walton targets to sell out 1.8 m fridges this year

Business Desk :
The country’s electronics company ‘Walton’ has set a target of selling out 1.8 million pieces of fridges in the local market in the current year. The target is about 27 percent higher than the sales of fridges in the previous year, says a press release.
According to Walton authorities, on an average, about 20 to 22 lakh unit of fridges were sold out in each year. But, this year the demands for fridges would be reach 25 lakh units. To this extent, Walton itself targets to meet 72 percent of the total demands of fridges of the current year.
Eva Rezwana, chief marketing coordinator of Walton Group, said, Walton brand fridges are in the customers’ top choice during the last couple of years.
“Every year, we are meeting around two-thirds of the total annual demands of fridges,” she said.
They released lot of new models of refrigerators and freezers with spending designs in the beginning of the current year, she said and hope that they would be able to meet the lion portion of this year’s total fridge demands of fridges.
Amdadul Haque Sarker, head of marketing of Walton Group, said, they have already increase the production of fridges at factory in line with the market survey. They took advanced marketing strategies and also emphasized on the increase of customers’ facilities, he said.