Walton targets to sale 1.7m fridges in 2017


Economic Reporter :
The Walton’ has set a target of selling out 1.7 million fridges in the current year, an effort to make a milestone in the country’s fridge market.
According to Walton officials, it sold out about 13.60 lakh piece fridges in last year and registered around 44 percent growth over the previous year’s sales. Witnessing the previous year’s growth and demand hike for Walton brand fridges, the authority has set a target of selling 1.7 million fridges in 2017, a 25 percent growth over the last year’s sales, said a press release.
To meet the target, the local company has already undertaken massive preparations, including increasing fridge production through installing state-of-the art equipments, releasing new models of frost and non-frost fridges with inverter technology, adding well-timed working plans in the marketing strategies, opening new sales point in the potential blank points.
Dwelling on the growth target, Walton Group’s Operative Director Uday Hakim said, this year about 2.2 million pieces of fridges would be sold out following the recent development in the electricity supply, increase of people’s purchasing power capacity, continuous GDP growth and political stability across the country. Of which, Walton targets to sell out 1.7 million fridges as it introduced new models of frost and non-frost fridges like digital display, side by side, glass door and bachelor type fridges this year, he said adding, thus the demands for Walton brand fridges have been soared across the country.
