Walton honored with highest tax payer award at national level

Economic Reporter :
Payment of highest amount of taxes, by the local electronics company ‘Walton,’ to the National Board of Revenue (NBR) during the fiscal year 2015-16 is resulted in getting both the highest tax payer award, says a press release.
Recently, NBR gave away tax cards and crests to the five companies under the firm category for paying highest taxes during the FY 2015-16.
Among them, Walton Micro-tech Corporation and Walton Plaza received tax cards and crests as the first and the second prize respectively.
In addition, Walton Plazas in 29 districts across the country also honoured with highest VAT payer awards by the NBR under the business category at district level. On the occasion of ‘National VAT Day and VAT Week,’ observed in the current month across the country, the NBR awarded a total of 124 companies for paying highest amount of VAT (Value Added Tax) during the FY 2014-15 under three sectors like manufacturing, business and service. In the business category, a total of 49 enterprises, of which 29 were Walton Plazas, received district level highest VAT payer award.
Walton Group’s Operative Director Uday Hakim said, “Wining the highest tax and VAT payer awards proved that local brand Walton products are in the customers’ top choice and the company is also playing a vital role in the national exchequer.”