Walton develops Big Screen Multi-touch Compo-TV

Business Desk :
The country’s electronics company, Walton has introduced its latest invention ‘Big Screen Multi-touch Compo-TV’ in the country’s television technology, says a press release.
The latest television of the local brand have some unique features, including controlling all functions by just touching on the television’s screen, having an opportunity of using it as ‘digital board’ and ‘presentation screen,’ using facebook, viber like various social, communication, business and entertainment apps, playing different touch based gamed on the televisions big screen.
These features are placed by engineers of the Television Research and Development (R&D) department of Walton Group at a programme on ‘Introducing the Country’s First-ever Mulit-Touch Compo-TV and Design Award-2017’ held at the conference room of Walton Corporate Office in the capital on Wednesday.
During the function, Walton Group honoured its Television R&D Department with a crest of ‘Design Award 2017’ for their extra ordinary effort on inventing Multi-touch Compo-TV.