Case filed against them: VP Nur supporters feel fear of harassment


DU Correspondent :
The leaders and activists of former quota reformists’ platform named Bangladesh General Students’ Right Protection Council (BGSRPC) on Sunday expressed fear of harassment for the cases, which were filed against Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) Vice-President (VP) Nurul Haque Nur and his supporters.
Bin Yamin Molla, joint convener of this platform read out a written statement with the allegations at a press conference, held at DU Journalists’ Association (DUJA) office room on Sunday.
He said, “We have been fighting to recover from our injuries at hospital, on the other hand, cases have been filed against us. It is not fair. Even, eight of our members are undergoing treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), but doctors are trying to release them without proper treatment.”
“We are passing time with fear and threat for the cases which are totally false as we were attacked on the incident,” he added.
They also criticized DU Proctor Dr. A.K.M. Golam Rabbani for his failure to protect students.
On the same day, DUCSU members who were elected from Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) panel, claimed Nur for the attack and placed 6-point demands including withdraw the cases against them.
DUCSU assistant general secretary and also the DU unit BCL secretary, Saddam Hossain read out a written statement at a press conference, held at DUCSU building of DU campus.
At the conference, Saddam Hossain blamed Nur and his supporters for the untoward incident.
They also alleged that pro-BCL DUCSU members and any BCL activists have no connection to the incident.
Their other demands are – Withdrawal all false cases against BCL and DUCSU leaders, taking legal action against the outsiders who come to DUCSU being associates of Nur; taking action involved in the incident on December 22; identify and bring the perpetrators to book recovering the CCTV footage of the incident; resignation of Nur as DUCSU VP for his alleged corruption, forming investigation committee to conduct an enquiry of his corruption and an unconditional apology from Nur for his communal statement.
