Voter’s enrolement in abolished enclave Dashearchara begins

Kurigram Correspondent :
The inhabitants of abolished enclaves are going to be voters. They are including as voters in Bangladeshi land after one year joining with Bangladesh.
Phulbari Upazila Nirbahi Officer Debendra Nath Urao formally inaugurated the activities of preparing voter list in former Dashear Chara enclave here on Sunday.
 Assistant Commissioner and Magistrate Nobi Newaj, District Election Officer Delwar Hossain,Upazila election officer Abdul Kuddus Sarkar, leader of enclave movement Golam Mostafa Khan,Altaf Hossain and appointed three supervisors and 14 information collectors were present among others.
The men and women were very glad as they are getting the perfect citizenship after a long time.Source said the people of former enclave were waiting for National ID card from beginning of union council election in the whole country. At last the activities of their including with three unions begins on Sunday.Those who were out of count in joint counting with India in 2011 and 2015 they are not including at present, election commission said.The inhabitants of Dashear chara told that no one of our family were included in the counting in 2011 and 2015 as at that time we were in searched of work in the brick kilns in Delhi as well as some parts of Bangladesh. But we are also the inhabitants of Dashearchara, now what can we do, they said. So they wanted for the help of the government. There are 6,529 people live in Dashearchara, the greatest former enclave in the country. Of them, those who are 18 years from 1st January, 1990 of age are including in voter list. Mazeda Begum of village Balatary in Dashearchara said now I am very glad as I am a voter of Bangladesh.
Meanwhile data base, rough voter list completing and sending preparing CD, publishing compose rough voter list, objection and omit in rough voter list and after correction of voter list will be sent to Election Commission on September 04,2016.Election Commission published the gazette the name of the inhabitants of Dashearchara in April 11 last.
