Vote for Bangladesh to win WSIS award

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh needs votes to achieve World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Award-2015 as two initiatives of Access to Information (a2i) Programme of Prime Minister’s Office have been nominated primarily for the award.
The a2i programme sources said the national portal has been nominated for the category-3 while the teacher’s portal has been nominated for the category-4 for wining WSIS Award-2015.
“Bangladesh needs to secure votes to defeat other nominated initiatives of different countries for winning the competition finally. The award will go to the initiative, which will bag highest votes,” Communication Associate of the a2i Programme Tanjina Sharmin said.
“We urge all to cast their votes for Bangladesh to win the WSIS Award for the second consecutive year.
Anyone will be eligible for casting vote, if he or she has one email address.
Voting process started and it will end on May 1″ she added.
Those wishing to cast their votes for the WSIS Award have been requested to visit /x8ysGD link and click vote for project link.
Last year, two initiatives- Service @ doorstep and ICT for Education in
Secondary and Higher Secondary Level Project – were nominated for two
different category of WSIS Award. Of the two categories, Service @ doorstep
won the WSIS Award-2014 bagging highest number of votes.
