Volunteers’ workshop on Covid-19 starts at divisional-level


The Science and Technology Affairs Sub-committee of the ruling Awami League (AL) organized the volunteers’ workshop on the COVID-19 pandemic at the divisional-level of the country.
The first phase of the online workshop was started from Monday at 11 am in Rajshahi, Chattogram and Khulna divisions, said a press release.
Information Minister and AL Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud inaugurated the workshop as the chief guest. Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor AHM Khayruzzaman Liton, Khulna City Corporation Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleque and Chittagong City Corporation Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin also be connected, the press release added.
AL Advisory Council Member and Science and Technology Affairs Sub-Committee Chairman Prof Dr Md Hossain Mansur chaired the function while AL Science and Technology Affairs Secretary and Sub-Committee Member Secretary Engineer Md Abdus Sobur delivered the welcome address.
Earlier, around 100 volunteers participated in the four-day virtual training workshop. Abdus Sobur said, it is an imperative to create mass awareness about the deadly virus and arrange trainings on the Covid-19 risk management apart from ensuring treatment for the virus-infected people.
The volunteers, who are taking part in the virtual training, would be able to keep them safe from coronavirus applying the knowledge they would gain from the training, he said, adding that they would also be able to train up the marginal people on the Covid-19.
