Voices of celebrities in favour of Pori Moni


Entertainment Report :
Social media has been buzzing with the news of case of actress Shamsunnahar Smrity, popularly known as Pori Moni, while she has also received large number of
supports from her celebrity friends and colleagues. Pori Moni has alleged that businessman Nasiruddin Mahmud has physically assaulted her and threatened to murder her at Uttara Boat Club. She disclosed the names of the perpetrators to the media on Sunday night, hours after posting a Facebook status, where she alleged that someone had tried to rape and murder her. Pori Moni has filed a case with the Savar Police Station in connection with the attempt to rape and murder her.
Celebrities have posted status on social media displaying their support for the actor and demanded justice for the actress.
Jaya Ahsan
Popular actor Jaya Ahsan wrote that she is literally disgusted and hurt by Pori Moni’s incident. “I am literally hurt as a person, as a girl and also as an actor who is part of the film industry. Why does a woman should suffer such humiliation? I really can’t understand how come a man has the mentality or the audacity to treat a woman like that? The film industry that we have been building up with so much blood and sweat; has it become so fragile to crumble like that? We really want the case to be investigated thoroughly and we want the perpetrator to be punished for his crime. No girl, no matter who she is, should never face such incidents.”
Actress Ashna Habib Bhabhna became emotional after seeing Pori Moni weeping and said, “As a woman and also as her colleague, I was deeply hurt to see her cry. Yes, she is a Bangladeshi actress but that doesn’t give anyone the right to treat her like that. As I start to grow and experience the constant negativity in this patriarchal society. I realise that no matter what you are, even if you are a housewife, a doctor, or even a girl working in a parlour. You will witness the same disrespectful treatment that even an actress cannot escape. We are beside you Pori. Please don’t break down like that. #JusticeForPoriMoni”
Sabbir Nasir
Singer Sabbir Nasir, said, “We are in a country where they treat artists, musicians or any forms of art and literature as a form of prohibited object. A group of powerful people considers artists as prostitutes, objects of enjoyment, or even mere beggars. They think they can do whatever they want. Those who have committed such deplorable act are just a nominal reflection of our decaying social values.”
Nawshaba Ahmed
Popular TV actress Qazi Nawshaba Ahmed said, “Television and movie celebrities work hard to entertain their audience. As an actress, we have the responsibility to serve our audience. And the audience in terms has to respect the feelings of an artist and stand beside them when they face any sort of injustice.”
Prosun Azad
Popular TV actress and model Prosun Azad said, “Do you know the story of Marilyn Monroe. Do you know how her boyfriend treated her? No amount of beauty or wealth could prevent her ill fate. Marilyn wanted to live an ordinary life but time and again her dream was shattered into pieces. People will never understand the sufferings of Pori Moni or any other successful actress. We show our degrading mind set by hurling abusive comments to others. #We WantProtectionForPoriMoni
Apurbo Rana
Director Apurbo Rana shared his feelings by this way, “Pori Moni that I have known for 7 years and the actress that I see right now is completely different. The girl who was so strong like a rock literally melted like an ice after facing such a horrible incident. No matter how much powerful the perpetrator is, he shall have to face the punishment. Pori Moni has fought for her rights. Instead of showing our silent compliance it’s high time we take vocal action against the perpetrators.” Meanwhile, actors Bappi Chowdhury, Shabnam Faria and many other celebrities have also demanded a fair trial for Pori Moni.
