Visits of international dignitaries yet to prompt Rohingya repatriation

REGULAR visits of high-profile international dignitaries to Dhaka have so far failed to make any headway in solving the Rohingya crisis. Refugees in smaller numbers are still entering the country, and on average, about 50 Rohingyas are received by the reception centres set up along the international border between Bangladesh and Myanmar. However, continued arrival of Rohingyas to Cox’s Bazar from Rakhine State is a clear violation of the repatriation deal signed between Bangladesh and Myanmar on November 23, 2017. It is clearly stated in the deal that Naypyitaw would stop the influx immediately.
Visits of the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim to Cox’s Bazar’s Rohingya camps are yet to ensure safe and voluntary return of Rohingyas to their homeland in Myanmar. Their visits have certainly highlighted the dire straits these refugees are enduring in the camps, but Myanmar is yet to make a positive response on the repatriation issue. The two dignitaries felt the need of greater support for the largest and most densely populated refugee settlement in the world. Nations around the world know for sure that Bangladesh government cannot bear the cost of safe living of these oppressed people.
In between, international figures, from royalty to leaders of developed countries have come to Bangladesh, visited the camps, talked to the persecuted people, held solemn faces and, in most cases, uttered the same platitudes: such treatment is condemnable; this is a violation of human rights of the worst form, there must be international consensus to create more pressure on Myanmar. The words ‘plight’, ‘ordeal’, ‘persecution’ has been used with impunity; in fact, they have been overused, leading to the words losing their impact.
The refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar are crowded with Rohingyas. Absence of sufficient food, shelter and medical care has made their lives miserable. For survival, many Rohingyas have become involved in criminal activities, creating additional problems for the government of Bangladesh.
It is both a moral and state obligation for the Myanmar government to accept the Rohingyas as its citizens and ensure their rights in their native soil. But the Myanmar government’s position on this vital issue yet circulates with a shock.
Being an overpopulated country Bangladesh cannot take the responsibility of the Rohingyas for a long time as she has her numerable problems on her own. Under the circumstances, the international community should effectively force the Myanmar government to take back all the Rohingyas immediately.