Virtual Mongol Shovajatra held in Barishal


Our Correspondent :
Online Mongol Shovajatra was held at Barisal City on Wednesday distributing masks and face shields for creating Corona virus awareness.
Charukla Barishal, one of the voluntary cultural organisations in Barisal City, has organised a symbolic online Mongol Shovajatra on Wednesday morning.
The program has started through Facebook Life from their Sadar Road office at 9am. One of members of the organision Anesha Das wearing a ‘Rakhi’ (symbolic of tie) to a child Suvodip Ghosh.
Later, the main event of the Bengali New Year program started with the traditional song ‘Eso He Boishakh’.
Sushanta Ghosh, organiser of the program said that Bengali New year is the main festival of non-communalism in Bengal. Through this program, we delivered our message against all kinds of illiteracy and fundamentalism.
Farzana Priya, one of member of the organisation said that this time it was not possible to hold the event with everyone due to the spread of Corona pandamic, so the New Year has been highlighted in various events including online art competition.
New Year is one of our main pillars for non-communal consciousness. This time, a towel (gamcha) mask and color full designee face shield of Baishakhi decoration were distributed for corona awareness.
Some of the winners of the art compitation were given prizes at the event.
