Viqarunnisa teacher Parimal denies rape charge

Court Correspondent :
Parimal Joydhar, sacked teacher of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College pleaded not guilty of raping his student to a court on Wednesday.
Judge Saleh Uddin of Dhaka’s Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal-4 earlier, read out the charges
brought against Parimal in the rape case. He claimed himself innocent and demanded justice after the judge completed reading the charges against him. Later, the court fixed November 1 for submission of arguments in the case. A total of 24 witnesses testified in the case.
Parimal sexually assaulted a Class-X girl of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College confining her to a room of his house twice in May and June of 2011 and recorded the act in his mobile phone.
On July 5, 2011, the victim’s father lodged a rape case with Badda Police Station against Parimal, Viqarunnisa principal Hosne Ara and its Bashundhara branch headmaster Lutfur Rahman. Detectives arrested Parimal from a relative’s house in Keraniganj on July 7 of that year.
He made confessional statement before a court on July 11, four days after his arrest. Police submitted a chargesheet before the court on August 11 of the year, dropping the names of Hosne Ara and Lutfur Rahman. The court framed charges against Parimal on March 7, 2012.