VIPs have no right to break traffic rules


TRAFFIC jams in Metropolitan Dhaka are spiralling out of control defying all efforts at keeping this menace under control. Experts have prescribed various measures, but the results are not encouraging. The journey from home to work-place takes away vital hours from work causing colossal drain on the limited national resources. The influx of new vehicles and the huge increase in the number of unlicensed rickshaws have added to traffic congestion. Use of the wrong side by the influentials in the administration only deepens the public sufferings on the roads.
A national daily reported that traffic policemen on the ground continue to overlook vehicles using the wrong side of the roads saying the rules violators are very influential people and they may face serious punishment if they penalise those powerful ones. State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said ministers’ vehicles sometimes take to the wrong side of the roads to attend emergency meetings, making it apparently clear that there was nothing he could do about the VIPs. Besides, emergency vehicles like police, fire brigade and ambulance are frequently allowed to use the wrong side to avoid traffic congestion. That is such unlawful violations are tacitly encouraged.
A traffic inspector went on to add that the officers on the ground fear losing their jobs if they dare to stop the vehicle of a minister using the wrong side of the road. This is how the Article 27 of the Bangladesh Constitution —Equality before law — is made inactive.
A Joint Commissioner (Traffic) of DMP said they have been taking action against vehicles of law enforcers and others taking the wrong side of the road. Experts feel that the government should instruct ministers, lawmakers and top officials not to violate the rule to stop the menace as enforcing rules is not possible. While the city is suffering from severe traffic jam, the violation of traffic rules by law-makers, law enforcers, and administrators are worsening the situation and encouraging others to violate laws.
However, a public interest litigation petition is now pending before the High Court Division which has generated popular interest to see how the judicial system acts on it.
Roads and Highways are mostly regarded as the economic lifelines of a country and the capital city is the main hub of the economy. If vehicles remain at a standstill for hours on roads, a country’s economy also freezes. The VIPs are doing anything to cause traffic congestions. They violate the law to make things easier for themselves when thousand of others suffer. The ordinary tax-payers go on suffering. The VIPs of the government are not competent to improve the road conditions. The people are living helplessly with wrongs and injustices.
