Violence aimed at killing Chhabi Biswas: Asad

UNB, Dhaka :
State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan on Thursday accused BNP of unleashing violence on the streets to kill Chhabi Biswas, MP on Wednesday.
“We’ll hunt down the culprits and no one of the perpetrators will be spared,” he told reporters while visiting injured Chhabi Biswas at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
During the incident, Chhabi Biswas, a ruling
party MP of Netrokona-1, was hit in the head and left ear with sticks and later hospitalized. His car was also set ablaze.
Asad said, the BNP cadres made the attack on the holy and safe place like hospital, terming their stance habitual in character. “The attack was carried out in a bid to kill Chhabi Biswas,” he claimed.