Violence against Women Only Attitude can Change the Scenario


Dr Matiur Rahman :
It is a saddening fact that countless women in Bangladesh are being killed every year as a result of violence. They cannot speak openly, even are not allowed to speak. After being tortured, they have to live under pressure. They are being tortured for various reasons including poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. Unable to meet the demand for dowry, the lives of many women have become miserable. The existing laws on dowry, child marriage, polygamy, divorce and other related issues are not enforced properly. Moreover, ordinary people are not aware of these laws.
Another reason for violence against women is the negative attitude of society towards them. Women are also being abused in their own families. They have to be tortured outside the family. Many women can’t talk about violence to their families even if they want to. It can be seen that many times the family blames the abused woman. In the existing social system, many women victims of violence cannot seek legal recourse even if they want to. Many women are forced to endure these tortures thinking of family and children.
According to a report by the Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, a total of 243 women and girls were tortured in April this year. A total of 80 women and girls have been raped. Of these, 47 were raped, including 33 girls, 30 were gang-raped, including 18 girls, and 3 were killed after being raped. Attempts have also been made to rape 8 people, including 6 girls. Seven women including 2 daughters have been victimized by indecency. Nine women including 6 girls have been sexually harassed. One person has been burnt by acid. 3 people have been burnt and 2 of them have died due to arson. Eleven people, including 10 girls, have been abducted. Also, 1 girl has been victimized in an attempt to kidnap.
There was one incident of trafficking of women and girls. Thirteen people have been tortured due to dowry, out of which 3 people have been killed due to dowry demand. A total of 26 people including 10 girls have been subjected to physical abuse. 10 girls have been molested. Two of the girls have committed suicide due to harassment. 29 people including 3 girls have been killed for various reasons. Attempts have also been made to kill one person. 15 people including 4 daughters have mysteriously died. There were 18 suicides, including 9 girls. Of these, 3 including 2 daughters have been the victims of suicide. 1 has been the victim of the fatwa. Two policemen have been detained. 4 people including 2 daughters have become victims of cyber-crime. 1 incident related to child marriage has taken place. Besides, 3 people including 1 girl have been persecuted in different ways.
The above data present a horrible scenario of violence against women in Bangladesh. But experts opined that prevention of violence against women is possible. It is possible through building public opinion; by arranging regular meetings, seminars and workshops in each area of the locality. Moreover, steps should be taken to make aware everybody of the impact of violence against women, especially on children. Civil society, religious leaders and other conscious people should extend their support to the victims of violence against women. NGOs can arrange street drama, alternative media and mass education campaigning/programs to reduce violence against women.
The government, non-government and other civil society organizations should emphasize women’s human rights and education to empower them. Victims of violence should get legal support; counselling and other help properly. Counselling and education session for male is to be arranged to make them aware of the women’s human right. It is to be broadcasted balanced and healthy relations between males and females instead of stereotyped relationships through television media. Proper application of ‘dowry prevention law’ should be ensured. It is to be imparted life skill training to the girl so that they can save themselves in conjugal life.
Poverty reduction programs should be strengthened to empower women voice. Proper programs are to be run to bring change in the mindset and behaviour of male members of the family and community. Law enforcement agencies and service providers should be more sympathetic to the victim and strict with the perpetrator. It is to be adopted as a widespread advocacy program to bring change in the mindset and behaviour of all concerned bodies/authorities. Political parties should include in their declaration and the election manifesto about the prevention and protection of violence against women. It is to be formed an alliance taking government, non-government and grass root level organizations representatives to protect against domestic violence against women.
It is important to build a strong ‘social support system’ to prevent violence against women. Teachers and parents need to be informed about sexual harassment and online safety at the school and college levels. Textbooks need to include issues of online harassment. It is important to make it easier and more women-friendly to complain about online harassment. Accountability needs to be ensured on social media including Facebook. One platform should be specified instead of several platforms to prevent online violence against women and children. Extensive public awareness campaigns are needed to prevent online violence against women.
Only a change in our attitude to women can prevent violence against women. Through this women will get remedy for violence. A beautiful society free from violence will be built. So in changing our attitude towards women, family and society as well as all of us have to come forward.

(The writer is a researcher and
development worker).
