Violation of UGC rules by USTC alleged

Teachers, physicians, officers, employees and students of USTC jointly organised a press conference to press home their demands in Chittagong yesterday.
Teachers, physicians, officers, employees and students of USTC jointly organised a press conference to press home their demands in Chittagong yesterday.

Chittagong Bureau :
Violation of University Grants Commission laws by the pioneer private university of Chittagong – USTC has been alleged at a press conference held at Chittagong Press Club yesterday morning.
Teachers, physicians, officers, employees and students jointly organised the press meet to press home their demands.
The press conference was told that according to existing UGC laws, there should be a committee consists of ranging from 9 members to 21 members for constituting a Trusty Board but USTC since its inception a 6 member Trusty Board was formed violating the existing laws of the land. Moreover, out of 6 members, one member resigns in the meantime and two members residing out of the country. Under section of 31(1), 32(1), 33(1) of Private University act of 2010, USTC has no VC, Pro-VC, and Treasurer. Despite repeated request to Trusty Board by the Syndicate for appointing these vacant posts, but the TB did non comply as yet, the press meet was told. Meanwhile, USTC has no standard service rules and HR rules for the overall employees irrespective of status and ranks since its inception. Demanding the service and HR rules , the Teachers, Physicians. Officers & Employees Sangram Parishad observing the protest programs for enacting service rules and facilities of the Parishad members for the last 13 days, press meet was told.
 The Sangram Parishad in the press meet urged the intervention of the concerned authority to resolving the prevailing deadlock of the university. A reliable hospital sources said the hospital now turned patientless though the university declared opened and the about thousand foreign students are facing uncercetainty about their future education . Prof. Kamaluddin, Head of ENT of the university hospital read out the written statement before the pressmen.
