Violation of CPA recruitment policy alleged

Chittagong Port Marine Contractors Watchmen Welfare Association organised a press conference at Chittagong Press Club hall alleging irregularities over the appointment of watchmen yesterday.
Chittagong Port Marine Contractors Watchmen Welfare Association organised a press conference at Chittagong Press Club hall alleging irregularities over the appointment of watchmen yesterday.

Chittagong Bureau :Irregularities over the appointment of watchmen defying the existing recruitment policy and verdict of the higher court have been alleged .Chittagong Port Marine Contractors Watchmen Welfare Association disclosed it at a press conference held at Chittagong Press Club hall yesterday .General Secretary of CPMCWA Md. Monir Hossain readout the written statement before the journalists in the press conference . The press meet was told that a worse situation created in Chittagong Port between the port officials and port trade union leaders over the recruitment of watchmen defying the govt employment rules and verdicts of the higher court. Press conference was told that CPMCWA launched movement for legitimate demands of the watchmen since 2004 and subsequently a 4-member committee was formed headed by Coast guard commander Altaf Hossain for the welfare of the watchmen those deprived after 1/11 regime. Since formation of committee, a recruitment policy was formulated . Later a writ was lodged with the high court in 2008 for violation of the formulated recruitment policy and court announced verdict on November 24, 2009 .Former Mayor ABM Mohiuddin chowdhury requested the CPA chairman to comply the HC verdicts in connection with the recruitment. General secretary of the association in his written statement told that during appeal hearing against the HC court verdict, CPA abrogated the Identity cards of old workers and recruited new watchmen defying the court verdicts. He further mentioned that some dishonest and unscrupulous officials and trade union leaders took huge amount of bribes in the name of recruitment defying the morality.After end of appeal hearing in the Appellate division , Supreme court announced verdict staying the HC verdicts in February 2012. Despite verdict of SC , CPA did not take any steps and violated the HC rule and the existing recruitment policy, press meet was alleged. The press meet demanded to foil the conspiracy of the CPA officials for the better interests of the watchmen .Among others, vice president of the association Md. Selim, Md. Giasuddin, Md. Mohiuddin Kabir, Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Ali, Md. Rafique, Jasimuddin, Ratan Kumar were present in the press meet.
