Video song of Borhan Biswas for PM’s birthday


Entertainment Report :
On the occasion of 75th birthday of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, journalist and lyricist Borhan Biswas has released music video of a song titled Shuvechchha Tomai on his YouTube channel recently. Lyrics and music of the song were composed by Borhan himself. Afroza Sultana Rubi lent her voice with Borhan in the song. Under the musical arrangement by Wahed Shimul, Shimul Khan Joy edited the music video. Borhan Biswas said, “On the occasion of Bangabandhu’s birth centenary, last year I rendered a song. This time I have rendered a song for Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina on the occasion of her 75th birthday. I took six months for the song. Different important parts of the Prime Minister’s life from childhood to present time are presented in the music video. It was done to keep
similarity with the song.”
