Video shows girl being harassed in Habiganj

UNB, Habiganj :
The video footage of a schoolgirl being sexually harassed by a schoolboy in broad daylight in the district town has triggered an angry outcry.
Police arrested the perpetrator, Ruhul Amin on Friday after the video clip of the incident that occurred on August 26 went viral on the social networking site Facebook.
The video footage showed Ruhul, a Class-IX student of Habiganj High School and College and a resident of Rajnagar area of the district town, slapping the Class-VIII girl of Habiganj Girl’s School and dragging her by her hair.
Victim’s family members said Ruhul used to tease a Class-VIII girl of the girl’s school who is also a friend of the victim. As the girl informed her family members of the incident, her brother beat Ruhul around one month ago. Ruhul, however, blamed the victim for the incident.
On August 26, Ruhul swooped on the victim when she came out of her school around 4pm for home. Victim’s mother said she called Ruhul to her house after the girl informed the incident to her on the same day. The schoolboy apologised for the incident.
The mother did not lodge any complaint against the boy for fear of social repercussion, she said. However, the incident came to light when the video clip was uploaded on the social networking site Facebook on Thursday.
Meanwhile, local people formed a human chain in front of Saifur Rahman Hall in the town on Friday demanding the arrest of those involved in the incident within 24 hours.
They also demanded deploying police in front of all educational institutions. Officer-in-charge of Sadar Model Police Station Nazim Uddin said the victim’s father filed a case against Ruhul and 6-7 unidentified people under the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act. He also said they arrested Ruhul from Richi village of Sadar upazila on Friday noon.