Victory of our liberation struggle


Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque and Dr. M. Abul Kashem Mozumder :
Liberation war in 1971 is a great episode historically significant that started from Language Movement culminating in the emergence of Bangladesh. It ostensibly started from the horror of 25th march 1971 when the occupation army led by Tikka Khan was beginning to commit genocide. After nine month of liberation war victory at last came when more than ninety five thousand occupation forces that created an ugliest history of atrocities plunder, arson and rape of women surrendered to the allied forces at 5 pm in Ramna race course(now called Suhrawardy Udyan) in December 16,1971. So our liberation forces triumphed, they were imbued with patriotism. Thoughts ridding through victory anniversary deepen our sense of history as the legacy of enlightened Bengalis. The great truth is that only Bengali nationalism with progressive ideas and expressions is the basis of our liberation struggle.
The liberation forces trained East Bengal regiment ambushed Pakistan army convoys attacking camps, blowing bridges and dislocated communication. They were given shelter and food by the villagers. Besides the villagers informed them about the movement of the Pakistan army and its agents. Only Bengalis helped them out. Non-Bengalis and die-hard pro-Pakistanis were collaborators helping the Pakistan occupation army in its heinous killing and raping operations. Now the collaborators are facing the music.
The government of India at last resorted to military solution of the stupendous problem like strained diplomatic relation between India and Pakistan created out of its spontaneous support to the freedom fighters with shelter and training. Indirajee undertook extensive tour across the world to gain support for its stand on humanitarian crisis and liberation war conducted by the government-in -exile led by Prime Minster Tajuddin Ahmed. USSR too including world press and civil societies of Great Britain, France and other European communities even some citizen bodies in USA were instrumental in providing moral support to the freedom fighters.
Every year the great victory day is observed in remembrance of the last 16 days of armed liberation war when our valiant freedom fighters staged a strike back with sophisticated weapons flushing out the occupation army and their collaborators from many parts of the country. Tajuddin Ahmed, the leader of the war cabinet at Mujibnagar was looking for formal recognition of Bangladesh by India and those countries that wholeheartedly supported liberation war. Before the final stage of confrontation the liberation forces under the direction of the Mujibnagar government liberated numerous Mahakuma and thana sadars driving the war criminals. By this time mukti bahini well trained in Indian camps became equipped with sophisticated weapons like heavy machine gun, LMG, SLR, mortar. They planted mines to destroy Pak convoy and tanks. Frogman core was active in destroying Pakistani warships in Chittagong and Chalna ports. Pakistan army committed a monumental blunder by attacking India and when India started retaliating Bhutan became the first country to recognize Bangladesh followed by India. On the diplomatic front Nixon administration played a dubious role helping Yahya to continue war. The news of the presence of seven fleet created some panic among us at the moment when we were enjoining Pakistan defeat and war debacles at all fronts. They were suffering humiliation in air, navy and ground. We enjoyed dog fights and air raids on roof. Dhaka’s sky was completely dominated by Indian mig-21, hunter and Gnat with Pakistani Saborejes going down. We received the news of liberating Jessore on 7th December, 1971 over Sadhin Bangla Betar. In December 3 Indo-Pak war erupted as Indian Government was compelled to go for military solution to the humanitarian and political crises intentionally created by the Pak military rulers who wanted to trample democracy to deprive Bengalis the rights to rule . There was massive attacks and counter offensive on all fronts with the use of infantry, artillery and armored core. Indian para-troopers were dropped in sizeable strength to mount an assault on Dhaka. ‘By the first week of December1971 everything was almost over.’
The bitter confrontational relation between India and Pakistan ultimately compelled military junta led by Yahya Khan to launch air attack bombing some important cities like Amirtasar and Pathancoat. Indian retaliation resulted in total warfare between the two countries at loggerheads. Then the liberation army along with allied forces of India attacked Pakistani positions all over the country forcing them out with the resultant defeat. Several districts, subdivisions and thanas had fallen to the allied forces preceding the fall of Dacca in 16 December 1971. In fact Bangladesh movement had a logical conclusion with the dawn of a new state following the great surrender of Pakistan occupation forces led by Lt. General Niazi to the allied forces led by Lt. General Jagjit Singh Aurora at Suhrawardy Udyan in December 16, 1971.
December as the month of victory still flashes in our philosophy and imagination. It is noted with last days of tragedies and triumphs. As a matter of fact celebration of victory day in festive moods commences at the start of December. Branded as victory month it is celebrated with much fanfare. All our thoughts for ever are ready to pour into all the sorrows and joys of the armed struggle for liberation. All our emotions with national symbols ride out anew to the new era of our political life. We are out on the freeway of nurturing our liberation values and spirit in a political environment friendly to progressive ideas. There are no bounds to the expectations for a dreamland free from the sinister political elements using religious values to their own political advantage. We observed the day like December 16 all with premeditated programmes to call the attention of the new generation that it was a victory over ruthless exploitation and onslaught of Bangali-cleansing and victory over injustice and falsehood. The young generation is coming to the full awareness about history of liberation war and the image of Bangabandhu as the vanguard of Bangladesh movement.
We lost many including freedom fighters, endless unarmed civilians and a large number of women in the war of liberation. “At least three million people were killed and over 200000 women abused by occupation forces and their local agents.” During the war women taken away from their homes, at the war fields, roads and corners in rural areas were persecuted and raped. They were honoured with the title Birangana for their loss of virginity (in case of unmarried daughter) and chastity (in case of married women). They ‘are the source of inspirations to the whole nation. Symbolically they are the war mothers. As long as Bangladesh remains, the whole nation honour and salute the great women.’ The victory thus achieved in the liberation struggle became complete with the return of our messiah Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 10 January 1972.

(Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque, Department of Public Administration, Chittagong University and Dr. M. Abul Kashem Mozumder, Member PSC)
