Victims of discrimination in public sector bank service alleged

Chattogram Bureau :
More than four hundred officials of Janata Bank in Chattogram zone under victim of discrimination as alleged by the sufferers.
Out of total, 300 are Cash officers. These cash officials are working in same post for the period from 20 to 25 years . The victim officials are on the way to retirement very shortly working in same post. Their experiences are not evaluated in case of promotions rather evaluating Banking diploma holders . Due to dual policy on promotion , these cash officials are being victimized again and again. It is alleged that following the recommendations of interview committee and nepotism or political persuation, the talents and experienced bank officials are not being considered for promotion which may jeopardize the banking sector.
According to Janata Bank, Divisional office, there are 81 Branches in this division consists of 26 in A Zone, 21 in B Zone,17 in C Zone and 13 in Coxsbazar zone. There are also 4 corporated office in this division and about 800 officials are working in these branches. Out of total, 50 percent officials are without Banking diploma. The numbers of cash officer is about 300 to 350 having no Banking diploma rather they are experience and efficient officials.
A sufferer sources said the employees from Chattogram zone are mostly deprieved in promotion whereas maximum profit comes from Chattogram zones In the appointment letters, it is clearly written that official will be transferred one branch to other branch in every three years but this rules are not complying in Janata Bank in Chattogram zone and it is witnessed that even after promotions, the incumbent officials are working in same place without transfer. Deputy General Manager of A Zone Mr. Humayun Kabir chowdhury told that the officials having Bank Diploma gets priority in promotion case as their annual confidenttal report aggregates 6 point mark than the non-Diploma holders. He said this practice is also complied in govt service including BCS cadres. Deputy General Manager of B Zone Md. Faruk Ahmed said promotion is practiced as per policy of the organization. He said there are a number of MBA graduates in branches but have no Banking diploma and they are not getting promotion and we also feel for them.
DGM of C zone Md. Zakaria told that lack of Banking diploma are not considered for promotion, it is the policy of central bank. He said we also want promotion of experience and skilled officials. Another DGM Md. Mostafa Anowar said Banking Diploma is essential for banking career and policy was enacted with priority for Banking diploma officials . General Manager of Divisional Office of JBL Kamrul Ahsan told the New Nation that after appointment in Bank service, most of them not obtained Banking diploma and new comers done it quickly and hence in case of promotion the new comers usually get priority in promotion case.
He also said in case of promotion, the seniors are evaluating according to their efficiency and stillness and promotion is considered as per existing policy . Mentionable that department exam for promotion is conducted with 100 numbers but the Banking Diploma holders are given 6 mark as aggregate for the diploma , as a result the new comers usually get priority for promotion is next post. A sufferer sources said the bank officials those are working for the last 30-35 years in same post are being deprieved of their legitimate rights with lame excuse of Banking Diploma.
AS per Promotion policy of Janata Bank (Notice No.815/18 dated 20 May 18) total mark for departmental exam fixed 100 numbers includes ACR(50), Academic qualification (13) Banking Diploma (6), and service experiences as per year of completion, good performaces (1), for FF(2), viva evaluation (10) total 100 numbers.