Viber cuts business ties with Facebook

Business Desk :
Rakuten Viber, one of the world’s leading messaging apps for free and secure communication, announces it will cut all business ties with Facebook to protect its 1 billion users. The messaging app will remove Facebook Connect, Facebook SDK, and GIPHY, as well as cease all ad spending on the social networking platform, leveling up the growing #StopHateForProfit movement to boycott the tech goliath, said a press release.
Amid the protests that broke out all over the U.S. over the past few weeks, a group of six organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League and NAACP, called on Facebook advertisers to pause their spending on the social networking site during the month of July over the company’s inability to protect users from hate speech. On top of numerous instances of data misconduct, including the infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal in which the political consulting firm improperly harvested data of up to 87 million Facebook users, Viber sees Facebook’s hate-speech stumble as the last straw. As such, the messaging app is taking the #StopHateForProfit movement a step further, cutting all business ties with Facebook.