‘Vested quarter trying to hinder country’s uplift’


A vested quarter has been trying to destroy peace and destabilize the country through militancy in the name of religion at a time when the nation has been moving fast towards development and prosperity.
“But, members of law enforcement agencies and common people are successfully preventing it,” said Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Bangladesh Police for Rangpur Range, Khondker Golam Faruk.
He said this yesterday while addressing the launching of anti-militancy campaign on ‘Say no to militancy’ in Rangpur.
The district police administration has been conducting the campaign with a view to create awareness against militancy.
Additional DIG Chowdhury Manjurul Kabir, Police Super Mizanur Rahman, Additional Police Super Abdullah Al Faruk, Member-secretary of the district and divisional community policing coordination committees Shushanto Bhowmick, attended the ceremony, among others.
