Vested quarter out to grab Ajachak Asram in Chandpur

A Correspondent, Chandpur :
A vested quarter has been trying to grab the Ajachak Asram, the birthplace of Swami Sharupananda who was a great Saint of Chandpur.
 It is alleged that Sukharanjan Das, Sebayet of Ajachak Asram in connivance with some dishonest people is planning to grab the Asram.
 In order to implement their design, Sukharanjan Das made Anjan Das a fake secretary of the Asram’s Trust and prepared a forged deed.
It is alleged that Bangladesh Akhanda organization, the appointee of Cebayet Sukharanjan Das has 145 branches all over the country including Chandpur asram.
The Chandpur Asram is known among the devotees as birthplace of Paramahangsa . The owner of the Asram and its land has been observing the birth anniversary of the saint Swarmi Sharupauanda Paramahangsa Dev for the last 20 years in the Asram.
 This year Bangladesh Akhanda Sanjgathan took initiative to observe the birth anniversary of the Saint on the premises of the Asram but Sebayet Sukhananjan Das took separate initiative to observe the birth anniversary in the same venue on the same day. Sources said, Sukharanjan’s such initiative creates commotion among the devotees and they refrained themselves from attending the programme.
 Sukharanjan with the help of Mrinal kanti das. Owner of E-Haq coaching center and Anjan Das brought some students of different madrasas.
 Educational institutions and some other women who were wearing ‘hejab’ and veil in different programmes by mislead in them. Such an act has also created commotion among the local Hindu and Muslim people.
Sources said, the local people have sought administration’s cooperation so that the evil design of Sukharanjan Das cannot be implemented and they demanded exemplary punishment to Das who made fake deeds with a view to grabbing the Saint’s birthplace.