River journey poses threat to life: Vessels lack life saving equipment

Staff Reporter :
Passenger vessels are plying in different routes without adequate life saving equipment-posing threat to fatal accidents in the forthcoming monsoon season. Ninety per cent of the vessels do not maintain safety rules.
Even, the supervising authorities – Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority [BIWTA] and Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation [BIWTC] – do not give due attention whether the vessels are running in line with government’s safety standards, relevant sources said.
As per rules, the owners of vessels have to obtain survey clearance certificate from the Department of Shipping [DoE] after thorough examination. But in most cases, the DoE officials ignore the safety rules including validity of fitness certificate and appointment letter of skilled master [launch driver], they said.
BIWTA Chairman Samsuddoha Khondaker said, “All these allegations are not based on facts. There may be some law breakers. However, we are trying to define them. Anyone, who is responsible will be brought to book.”
Shipping minister Shajahan Khan after capsize of ‘MV Shariatpur-1 last year blamed the owners of ship and launch for appointing inefficient
masters in their vessels which caused the capsize of launches. But in fact, the ministry did not take any action against the launch owners blamed for violating laws, it is alleged.
Sources said the owners of the passenger and cargo vessels manage clearance certificate from DoE by greasing the palms of a section of corrupt officials, they further alleged.
Each passenger launch should keep 100 life jackets, 100 [Boya] and six lifeboats which most of the time is violated.
The passenger launches are not always properly equipped with fire fighting equipment. Most of the existing life saving equipment is time barred, it is further alleged.
About 16 persons were killed when the launch-MV-Shakil capsized in Kalagachia river under Golachipa upazila of the district on May 3. The launch carrying more than 50 passengers was heading towards Patuakhali from Rangabali. Some of the passengers jumped into the river and reached the river bank swimming.