Vegetables’ price stable, spices dearer in Sylhet

Sylhet Bureau :
As the Eid-ul-Azha is coming nearer, price of spices are becoming dearer. Just a week ahead of this sacrificial festival, price of garlic, ginger, green cardamom and others is increasing gradually, while price of vegetables, meat and chicken bringing relief to consumers. Per kilogram (kg) ginger price increased by Tk 20, ginger price increased by Tk 40 and per piece chicken price increased by Tk 30 while all vegetables price reduced by at least Tk 10.
Sylhet Buyers alleged that, its been a tradition for the traders to increase essentials price before any festival.
However, traders said, as spices price especially ginger and garlic are high in international market and chicken supply is inadequate. At Brommoye Bazar on Friday, cardamom was selling for Tk 2,800-2,900 per kg, which was Tk 2000-2300 just few days ago. Nutmeg was selling for Tk 2,500-2,600, which was Tk 200-300 less in the previous week. Cloves was selling for Tk 850 per kg, which was Tk 700 last week, while black peeper, cumin and cinnamon were selling for Tk 580-600, Tk 350-400 and Tk 450 respectively. Just a week ago, these were selling for Tk 500-520, Tk 300 and Tk 400 respectively.
Apart from these, the local variety of garlic was selling for Tk 220-230 per kg which was Tk 180-200 last week while imported garlic for Tk 190. Imported ginger is selling at Tk 180-200 which was Tk 160 and local ginger is Tk 180 which was TK 140 past week. In the vegetable market, papaya is selling at Tk 40, cucumber between Tk 80, carrot at Tk 100, tomato between Tk 80 and 120 per kg while lemon cost between Tk 20-40 (four pieces), brinjal cost Tk 60-80, bitter gourd sold at Tk 50, okra at Tk 50, gourd Tk 50-60, and potato is Tk 20-22 per kg.
Subhanighat vegetable trader Jamal told this correspondent that, as floodwater is decreasing and communication becoming easier, vegetables started arriving in abundant. In the meat market, beef and mutton were selling at Tk 550-570 per kg and Tk 750per kg respectively while broiler chicken was selling at Tk 130 a kg, red layer chicken and Pakistani chicken are selling at the same price, at Tk 230.
During visits to the fish market in Kazirbazar, it was found that the prices did not fluctuate much. Chital fish was selling at Tk 500-550 per kg, Awn fish at Tk 650-700, Rohi is at Tk 280-350 per kg, Katla at Tk 300-350, tilapia sold at Tk 140-160, Boal fish at Tk 700-900, Pangasius sold at Tk 150-180, Pabda sold at Tk 500, and Shing sold at Tk 400-600.