Vegetables’ price marks sharp rise in Rangpur

Mintu Abdur Rahman, Rangpur :
Prices of vegetables have marked a sharp rise at different kitchen markets in the district, multiplying the sufferings of the consumers. Especially, the poor or lower-income groups are the worst sufferers of the adverse situation.
According to sources in the wake of supply crunch, soaring prices of vegetables has been prevailing in the markets for the last few days.Traders said that heavy rain during last one week damaged many vegetable fields at different areas under the region, as a result vegetable price increased. However, consumers alleged that the traders always find excuse for increasing price of vegetables.
While visiting different kitchen markets in the city on Tuesday it was found that the consumers were compelled to buy vegetables at exorbitant prices.
Presently, teasel gourd (kakrol) is being sold at Tk 50 to 60 per kg against its previous price of Tk 30 before, eggplant is selling at Tk 40 to Tk 50 while it was sold at Tk 30 to Tk 35 earlier, pointed gourd (Potol) is sold at Tk 50 against its previous price of Tk 30, long bean (Barbati) at Tk 60 per kg, bitter gourd (Karola) is sold at Tk 60 to 80 per Kg,Per piece bottle gourd is sold at Tk 40 to 50.