Recipe: Vegetable soup

Life Desk :
Learn how to make this quick and easy dish
One small cauliflower
1/2 kg peas
1 red carrot (chopped)
4 onions
3 tomatoes
4 cinnamon sticks
4 peppercorns
Some macaroni if you wish
2 bouillon cubes
1 tablespoon oil
Method: Put one tablespoon oil in a pan and fry cinnamon sticks and peppercorns. Add chopped onions and fry till transparent. Add tomatoes and fry till done. Add two bouillon veg cubes and stir till it melts. Add two cups of water, and stir. Add the veggies and macaroni and bring to a boil. Serve hot. This can be had with toasted bread or hard brun pav.
Tips you can use: This dish can be made with different variations from mushroom tomato and onions to macaroni, tomato and onions.
However, the more veggies you add the more filling and nutritious it will be. If you prefer chicken you can use chicken bouillion cubes instead of vegetable, and add steamed, shredded pieces of chicken. It’s essentially a clear soup that is ideal for those on a diet or those looking for a quick, tasty and light meal.
French beans and macaroni are other variations that you can try. Some people prefer making the chicken broth at home, that is an option you can explore if you have the time.